Thursday, 23 September 2010

A Human Centipede- Film Review

Okay so recently I was told about a movie called "A Human Centipede"by a friend, the description he gave me intrigued me immediately. So I went onto Youtube and checked the trailer out and it sparked more interest because the trailer was presented to make it look very disturbing, dark and psychotic. I must say that a lot of the reaction to this movie has been negative however after watching it for myself I don't just want to bash it but give the Director/Creator some credit for having the balls to create a film as mad as this.

The plot of the film is based around these ladies somewhere in say German are going to a party, but when driving to their destination the car breaks down so they are left stranded and so they set of from their car and go and get help. They do manage to find someone and he invites them into his house but his intentions are different to what the girls think. They get drugged, they wake up, he explains they are going to get sewn ass to mouth as a three person human centipede, with now the introduction of the random ass Japanese man they get sewn together and the main guy Dr.Heiter tries to train them like a dog.

I would go into more detail about the film but now I just want to give my opinions and overall verdict on the film, I thought this film was decently directed because at first I thought this was just going to be a cheesy film but it does have a lot of very dark elements with hints of comedy coming from the random ass Japanese man who fortunate for him leads the centipede and does not have his mouth sewn to somebody's ass. The two girls behind him were at the beginning of the film acting very badly and I can see why their mouths were sewn to each others ass  and the Japanese mans ass hole. I thought there was good acting from the main character Dr.Heiter played by Dieter Laser who in my opinion played a very believable insane mad man who in all honesty, I was routing for the whole film because I thought he kicked ass and didn't care for the girls although the Japanese man was funny as I mentioned previously. I do feel that they could have made a better ending because if you watch the film you will know what I mean, I thought the two cops were completely retarded and didn't know what they were doing:*SPOILERS AHEAD* the two cops got rightfully owned for there own idiocy.

To summarize, I liked that this film was very unique from your usual slasher horror and I thought that this film was very dark, nuts and  interesting. I definitely thought   it wasn't as bad as people said it was, the only negative aspects of this film was that it had some poor acting from supporting cast which was amended later on in the film  by them not speaking at all and the way the writers made the Cops so unbelievably stupid. I  do recommend that anybody curious about watching this give it at least one  watch, those easily disturbed I do not recommend this to however there is no actual graphic material in terms of seeing any feces because it is mainly left up to imagination.

Overall I give this movie 7/10.

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